Monday, March 28, 2011

Bret Michaels is a rocker, mover, and changer - the real deal

What would have been even better than this commentary, would have been the Iphone taped interview with the man himself, I had hoped to grab, though planned on a whim.  I am actually glad Bret was limiting his meet and greets to those who donated $500 or more to Diabetes ( I think it was for Juvenille Diabetes), he was auctioning off shirts he wore during the show he performed at MGM resort-Connecticut, as the girls swooned to the smell of the cologne lingering on his clothes, their money danced right out of their wallets, for a wonderful cause.  It was a little rich for my blood, though I had offered $100 for the charity if he could do the interview, and the manager and crew even had me wait with the others who were guaranteed their time with him, but without a wristband or special access badge, it wasnt to be.  The manager was very nice about it and even offered to get me access when he is back in the area.  Just the idea he would have considered to be an actual celebrity interview on my little blog was cool enough.  So, no, I dont have an interview, but a great memory of a terrific show.  I was in the 13th row thanks to my sister Olga for the great seats.  I became a Bret fan later in the game, though Poison was from "my time" I didnt really appreciate the music until I got older, but more so appreciate Bret for the amazing songwriter he is, and soulful singer.  He came on that stage with amazing energy, I pretty much new every song he sang, it was nice to hear some of the Poison classics too, and his own, a very simple set, three tshirt changes, he danced and put everything he had into it, and you could tell he loved his fans, not just by the way he talked to everyone, but he truly cares...i met a couple of the lucky ladies who purchased a tshirt while we were waiting to see him, then saw them roaming the casino after I had to go on my way...they waited about an hour and a half before they got to meet him.  He took his time with everyone who came through, making sure their pictures came out and not just rushing the experience.  They gushed his praises and understandably so, he definitely is a performer for the people and appreciates his fans.  More so, he understands the fragile nature of life, having had his own health issues this year, aside from his ongoing battle with diabetes, which he somehow is able to manage seemingly effortlessly with all the touring and hectic schedule he maintains.  The brain hemmorage and heart issue he had this year, within months of each other, only made him stronger and better, both physically and in his personal life.  He seems to have found some peace while keeping the beat up tempo. 

So, what would I have asked him if I did get in to see him?   "Do you eat a Mediterranean diet?  Are you related to "George Michael (s)?  How many bandanas do you go through in a year and how do you budget for them?"  ....okay, I would have come up with some better ones, maybe next time!

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