Monday, March 21, 2011

Its been a while...and I still think of Rob

Hi,  Its been too long since me or Andrea have posted.  We are going to try to expand our blog a bit, be sure to come back for food tips, restaurant and resort reviews, travel commentary, and comments about life in general.  Stay tuned!!
After a bout of various health issues, I've decided to make 2011 and my soon to be 40th year of life my healthiest ever.  I'm on Weight Watchers now and doing well, but rest assured, still enjoying food and life in abundance.  I'm trying to be more creative, and keep up with my writing...the blog helps with that.  I was recently re-energized by an article I read in Vanity Fair.  Yes, I'm still a Twilight fan and still madly inlove with my husband, and his name did not change to Rob.  But Robert Pattinson, RPatz, "Edward", however you may want to think of him, he inspires me in many ways.  He is multi talented, actor, songwriter, singer (though I dont care for his singing voice), and now he is even working on screenplays.  Eventually when I finish my never ending novel, I may even ask him to help me cast my movie, ofcourse after my book is #1 on the NY Times best seller list, the movie deals will come pouring in!! ;)   Robert's breakout role in Twilight really inspired me to tap back into my creative juices.  Work, chores, TV, life in general can get in the way of being creative, it becomes downright hard to work on a hobby as you grow older unless you somehow incorporate it as part of your daily schedule, like exercise.  I envy my friend Marcus who sings for a living, he is currently getting his Doctorate, he travels, performs, and does what he loves every day, though I'm sure not without its challenges, I'm sure its not all roses, but to truly work on your passion, what you enjoy in life, must be amazing.  I digress...

The Vanity Fair article was about Rob, who is promoting Water For Elephants, which I will go see when its released in April.  It was yet another article describing him as shy, someone whose fame found him when he wasnt looking for all the perks of having screaming hoards of fans and being stalked in every aspect of his life.  Someone who just wants to practice his craft in piece and without media speculation of his every move.  But you know what, I got annoyed with him a bit reading this article.  I'd love for him to get the focus away from his disappointment with fame, and talk about how much appreciates getting to where he is, where he wants his career to take him now that he got his foot into a door that so many actors get slammed into when trying to enter.  Listen, we get it Rob, your life has changed and its not all great to lose your privacy, but fame comes because of fans in a way...they are the ones who will contribute to your success, increase your box office sales, insure your popularity that studios will want to work with you.  So if you have to pose for pictures, sign autographs, have your dinner or vacation interuppted at times, you should be so grateful for that recognition in so many ways.  I think that is the trade off and you just need to accept it and certainly find a balance as I think many super celebrities do, look at a Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, you dont see them complaining as such in every article.  And perhaps the reporters are just putting too much focus on your disinterest with the public, and you are not wallowing in it as it seems, but you need to change that so they focus on what makes you so talented, and the pleasure of being able to do something creative as your career, something that you certainly connect so well with and have a passion for.  Next time you feel sorry for yourself,  think of us poor schmucks sitting behind a desk, only dreaming of the opportunities afforded to you through your fame.  Rob, I say this with just as much admiration, love and respect as I had for you from the first movie I saw you in, I'm "bothered" but still a huge fan.  So please for me, for us fans who look forward to seeing where your talent will take you, less self pity, and more embracing of a career you are so very suited for, okay?  Just had to put my two cents in....

With that, I will practice what I preach, and lets not pity ourselves for the time we don't have to be creative, but embrace the time we do, and I will try to make something of my desire to write more and get the novel done, soon, I hope, something to look forward to as I embark on the "transformed Elaine" for 2011!!

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